Zólyomi Andrea | 2025.01.15, 11:16:00 | Utolsó módosítás: 2025.01.15, 11:16:00
Dear Current and Future Competitors,
We warmly welcome you to participate in our championships and cup series.
The posters below display the planned dates for the competitions. The final schedule will be published soon.
You will have the opportunity to compete in the Hungarian Enduro Championship and Cup Series. This series consists of classic enduro races held at five different locations.
Our discipline also announces the Endurocross Championship and Cup Series, which will consist of five rounds.
The East-West Enduro Cup Series features EPOCA-style enduro races with shorter stages and timed sections that are easy to complete, even for non-licensed riders.
The basic announcements and sports regulations will also be available in English. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at enduro@mams.hu or send us a message on Facebook!